Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Judge Nderi Gaves Teachers a green light

The evidence before court shows TSC
made a proposal to unions of 50-60% increase

TSC complied with these guidelines and
recommended a 50-60% increase of salary on every. SRC guided TSC, unions in job reviews. It recommended a review period of 4 years starting 1st July, 2013

The industrial court is mandated to
ensure labour laws are respected

This court observes that the last review
was in 2009, and that teachers salaries are not at par with those of other civil servantservants.

This court reiterates that TSC must
consult with the unions on matters to do with unionisable teachers. This court reiterates that SRC only plays an advisory role to TSC.

However, TSC must consult with them. This court reiterates that TSC is the employer and is mandated to review salaries and job evaluation.

This court notes that of utmost importance is the children of Kenya and the teachers who teach them.

The court also notes that funding for TSC
Secretariat increased from 1.7 B to 3.3 B from 2007 to 2013.

The court finds that there is need to harmonise salaries of teachers within different cadres.

The report also indicates the increment
on salary of teachers of lower cadres was below average.

This court finds that 2009, the last time there was an increase on teachers salary, is the correct year for any CPI index.

Teachers have been victimised by their employer, who says increasing salaries on their big number will affect the economy.

The current basic salary reflects that
salary increments have been way below the CPI index.

This court holds that allowances will first be harmonized to match other public servants.

The unions came to negotiations with a
counter- proposal of 150% increase on the salary

Friday, 26 June 2015


Baringo Sen Gideon Moi Meets Elders From Warring Communities in Baringo .

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi today at Lake Bogoria SPA Resort, separately met elders and opinion leaders from the Pokot and Tugen Communities to enlighten them of the government's plans to end banditry in Baringo.

The groups from either side made their submissions and recommendations before the senator outlined the outcome of the meetings North Rift leaders had with the president and the deputy President in Nairobi.

Out of the two separate forums, it emerged that the Pokot from Tiaty Sub County and the Tugen from Baringo North and Baringo South, who met with the senator in the morning hours and afternoon respectively, have vowed to end the end conflict and champion for peace through dialogue.

Elders and Opinion Leaders from Mochongoi, Sandai, Arabal, Barwessa, Saimo Soi and Bartabwa told the senator to push for compensation of families who lost property and their loved ones, resettlement of displaced families, rehabilitation of schools and support to students from the affected families.
While responding to the communities' concerns, Gideon Moi said Disarmament, recruitment of 'idle' youth to NYS, deployment of Kenya Police Reservists and addition of more police posts are some of the priorities that were agreed to be done during the meeting Baringo and other North Rift leaders had with top security and leadership in the country.

"There is need for Communities to coexist but first the government has to provide security because it is mandated by the constitution. Development cannot happen without peace and stability. Peace has to be found and it is good the government has plans to ensure that security is beefed up in Baringo," said Moi.

Moi also noted that security issues in Baringo are still too sensitive to hold joint forums and urged all leaders and communities affected to embrace dialogue.
Present during the two meetings were chiefs, County government officials, members of the clergy among other local leaders.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Governor Tunai Presides the inaguration Ceremony of Oloomirani Girls School

Hon Samuel Kuntai Ole Tunai with Deputy Governor Evalyne Aruasa today were at Oloomirani Girls High School inaguration Ceremony.

The girl school was being opened for operations. Governor called residents to embrace one another and take children to school as the county government has allocated a Sh 90M kitty for bursary of beefy students in narok.

While officiating the school Governor Tunai gave out sh 3 million to the school for the construction of a Laboratory and a Dining hall.

He told off critics as people who don't have people interest at heart.

Gideon Moi Donates Sh1M to Students who survived Garrisa attack at Moi University

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has donated Kshs 1 million to students who survived the April 2nd terror attack on Garissa University.

Senator Moi said the funds were raised by his family, with Former President Daniel Arap Moi and his wife Zahra Moi each contributing Kshs 250,000.

Speaking to the students at the Moi University main campus, the KANU Chairman said he was saddened by the death of the 147 students terming the attack barbaric.

“We know the pain you have undergone and this is just a way to assist you restart your lives after the heinous act,” he said.

He lauded Moi University management for the warm reception the institution’s management, staff and students accorded the Garissa students whose learning was cut short after Al shabaab militants attacked their campus.

The legislator called on the government to beef up security near the porous Kenya-Somali borders and across the country

He also asked the national government to empower counties in dealing with insecurity and urged the National Assembly to make tough legislations in terms of security.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Narok women Representative Hon Soipan Supports Hon Sakaja Bill on Youth Employment

Narok women and youths have all to smile about as the Narok county MP tops the most debators and articulated MPs with bills to do with the young generations and people living with disabilities. 

While in Parliament  Hon Soipan have been consistent  and up to task as she contribute  to bills that are economical viable to the youths, women and people living with disabilities.

Track in Parliament and outside the house shows that Hon Soipan is the 2nd most active and up to task women rep in kenya. She has been on the front  to assure gender rule see the light in kenya.

Hon Soipan has shown commitment on pursuant  of youth affairs  and today she rose in Parliament  in support of a motion on a Bill establishing The National Youth Employment Authority a bill proposed by Hon. Johnson Sakaja; who is also the chairperson the ruling party TNA and Charperson of Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association (KYPA)where Hon Soipan sits as the Member.

On her eloquent contribution Hon Soipan has called the national government  to embrace  the Youth bill to assist  youths get jobs and manage their businesses

"The authority should be devolved to all counties and setting up national and county database for youth seeking employment to match youth skills with job market requirements;" Said the women rep for Narok.

She urged the national government to absorb  the skills and innovative ideas from the youths of kenya.

"This database should be the point of reference for national and county governments; private and informal sector to outlaw inequity and unfairness to our young people in employment opportunities" she said.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Is GIDEON MOI set for presidency. Here is why

Nicknamed Gidi, the flamboyant, charismatic and soft-spoken senator who is the son of Daniel Arap Moi, is a president to be, or so it seems. He is standing on a red carpet, awaiting the grand inauguration. However, it’s going to be a wait until the year 2022, when the son of Jomo is finished with business at the house on the hill. Uhuru kenyatta’s assertions that Jubilee will rule for 20years, is a prophesy loaded with lots of meaning. 10 out of this 20 years are earmarked for his former St. Mary’s schoolmate, and brother in royalty, Gideon Moi. So it seems.

Senator Gideon Moi's predecessors as KANU chairmen have all been PRESIDENT.

Former KANU chairmen Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Arap Moi and now Uhuru Kenyatta have all inscribed their finger prints on the coveted political price; the Presidency. The younger Moi at the helm of KANU chairmanship is surely walking on a tunnel to statehouse. Further more, KANU is an affiliate of Jubilee, a strategic affiliation that has confronted the butterflies down the stomach of URP stalwarts.

Gideon has less political enemies.

The husband to Zahra, and the youngest son of Lena Moi, has not stepped on so many toes, politically speaking that is. This could be told about Kenyatta snr, Moi snr, Mwai Kibaki and Kenyatta jnr, prior to their becoming PRESIDENT.

Senator Gideon Moi, has played the soft-spoken hunter, but of course with his eyes well set on the prey; the Presidency. Kenyans have habitual instinct of voting against someone, a philosophy that favors Gideon’s brand of politics. Most evidently, he was the only senator who didn’t Biblically throw a stone at governor Wambora, when the troubled Embu county chief was under siege from the senate.

KANU will rule for 100 years.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Governor Tunai to launch Business exhibitions in Kilgoris

Narok Governor samuel Tunai expected to launch the 1st Business exhibition in Kilgoris, DEB ground. Farmers business partners to showcase their products and items..

More to follow

Governor Tunai mourns the late Joel Melita county staff who died in road carnage

Narok county governor mourns the loss of one dedicated  county  employee. In his statement governor described Melita as a skilled employee who worked hard to improve  county government operations.

Here is governor word of condolence

"The tragic passing-on of a valued staffer of Narok County has left us covered in sorrow.
The loss to his family, friends and to Narok County is so big to be contained in the consolation of words. His commitment to duty and excellence will remain the
remarkable lessons that we will live to learn from. In his time, he worked closely and diligently to help us tap into ICT for positioning and information dissemination.
The cherished contribution of Joel Melita to our work and lives will remain preserved in the sun-lit garden of our memories, now and in years to come. We pray for divine consolation to his family, his relatives and friends, that from this unbearable sorrow, they may take courage in the knowledge that the company of angels is now more fitting for Joel."

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Planting trees in schools to increase forest cover to begin soon, says P.S. Lesiyampe

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has rolled out a programme aimed at encouraging pupils and students to develop a culture of planting trees.

The ministry’s Principal Secretary Richard Lesiyampe said the programme, dubbed Greening School, aims at increasing the country’s forest cover from the current 7 per cent to 10 per cent.

Speaking during the National World Environmental Day Celebrations at Maasai Girls in Narok County last week, Mr Lesiyampe said the programme targets inculcating tree planting culture in Kenyans at an early age.

“We are optimistic that if we teach young Kenyans the need to conserve the environment early, then destruction of nature witnessed currently will be addressed,” said Lesiyampe.

The PS warned that wetlands continue to be drained at an alarming rate to provide space for agriculture, human settlement and urban development.

“There is an urgent need to strike a balance between the environmental functioning and wetland use for livelihood support,” he said.

Lesiyampe said the ministry is currently implementing various projects in collaboration with international partners and relevant institutions through the national education awareness initiative.

Monday, 1 June 2015

KEY ADDRESS BY GOVERNOR TUNAI at Madaraka Day Celebrations

The government have invested 100M on milk Coolers and will be available in each ward.

We have partnered with KCB in helping farmers and  30 millns are on Floods prevetion. We have assured that no food crisis in Narok and farmers are assured of the crop. Economic freedom is the best freedom

Lets thrive to end and eradicate tribalism in Narok.

County government have openned Narok-Loita road was and Kilgoris roads are also openned.

Our MPs should repair roads because they have money for roads.

County has Free ambulances available and their services are 24hr basis.

We have employed 240 health workers employed and more Plans to upgrade hospital

We have ben allocating Education sh 90 million every term and everyone is entitled to get. No child will  not be at home due to fees.

Plans to repair town are in place and next week that work will start.

Youth and women county government have you in its agenda.

We will employed 600 ECDE Tteachers in few days.

Over 120 County Rangers will be employed.

Investment forum plans are in final stages.

Pending lands Title deed to be given soon.

Narok couunty is a jubilee zone.

Koyiaki guiding school land to given  back to community