Saturday, 31 October 2015

Call for Election Kenya is in crisis; Mudavadi tells Uhuru

Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to step aside and call for elections to pave way for capable leaders to stabilise the country.

Mudavadi said the economy was now driven through “habitual management by default” and there is widespread corruption driven by unaccountable officers.

“I am telling the inept government of Kenya: You can fool some people most of the time, but you can’t lie to everybody all the time. The least you can do is admit you don’t know what you’re doing and pave way for those capable,” he said.

The ANC leader made the remarks yesterday when he addressed the Annual General Meeting of Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), Vihiga branch at Friends College Kaimosi.

The former Deputy Prime Minister said the government was facing a serious disconnect between its fiscal and monetary policies leading to cash flow problems and allowing President Kenyatta to finish his term would be throwing the country into greater confusion.

Mudavadi said the Eurobond saga was an exercise in contempt of public accountability.

“When the economy is tipping; there is a cash crunch and government cannot raise salaries; interest rates and inflation is high; people are losing savings at the stock exchange and cannot repay loans; when the cost of living has sky-rocketed, then something is wrong,” said Mudavadi.

He added, “And when government cannot account for what it did with the Eurobond money, the same government has the audacity and nerve to shamelessly take us for fools.

It then mocks us that all is well; ‘we spent the money to spur the economy, reduce inflation and cost of borrowing; so pay more taxes on juice’.” Mudavadi said he steered the country through the tumultuous 1990s when it had been made a pariah as a result of Goldenberg looting. “I got us moving again from the doldrums through major economic reforms. It is clear the infectious ‘bug’ is biting us all over again. As teachers, parents and Kenyans, you have two choices to make come 2017:

You can choose my team to restore sanity and give Kenyans a decent life because I know what to do or choose an incompetent Jubilee or a decaying CORD,” he said. He said the appetite to consume by the government without investing in production is a major contribution to the failing economy and called for suspension of some development projects. Mudavadi asked teachers to use their numbers to influence major decisions in the country by electing better leaders.

Teachers hold a special place in society. They are not just the income elite and investors that underpin the local economy, but more so the moral fibre and development voice in society. In their hands, the destiny of our country is moulded,” he said.

He said the symbiotic relationship between teachers, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the government has not worked in the recent past, forcing them to resort to industrial action.

“In this confrontation, matters of quality education have taken a back seat. The government finds it difficult to ask the teacher why education performance is failing without blaming the teacher for what is wrong,” he said.

The ANC leader asked the government to obey the court order and increase teachers pay. “The issue of TSC refusing to remit union dues under the pretext that it’s doing a payroll audit would be laughable if it were not tragic. If TSC isn’t lying, why not pay the dues and deduct any over payment to unions in later remittances?” he posed.

He said Government’s disregard for court orders was brazen autocracy that a democratic country cannot afford.

Mudavadi noted that the education sector was in a shambles, from Early Childhood Development to university, where systems have broken down, yet the government, instead of addressing the meltdown, has chosen the easy road of window dressing.

“Through attempts at damage control, impunity has driven the government to break every law and thrown management of education into disrepute. The result is that education policies are being made on a daily basis at the whim of individuals,” he said.

Mudavadi said the problems in the education sector and the Kenya National Examination Council’s (Knec) denial of exam leakage amounts to a government that is sabotaging human resources development.

“It is destroying a generation, discrediting the legitimacy and credibility of education and its certification among Kenyans and abroad and reducing Kenyans’ competitiveness in accessing employment. Given the massive leakage reported this year, I request Members of Parliament to urgently amend the Knec law to make the council accountable to Kenyans rather than to the Education Cabinet Secretary,” he said.

Thursday, 29 October 2015


United States’ Presidential candidate in the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump has once again vented his disgust for Africans by referring to them as lazy fools only good at eating, lovemaking and thuggery.

The Business magnate, who is also the republican Presidential torch bearer promised to deport all Kenya origin, Africans including president Barrack Obama as he illuminated how he plans to reconstruct America and restore its lost glory.

Trump spoke bitterly as he said: “African Americans are very lazy. The best they can do is gallivanting around ghettoes, lamenting how they are discriminated. These are the people America doesn’t need. They are the enemies of progress.

Look at African countries like Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries. From the government to opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required. How do you trust even those who have ran away to hide here at the United States hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don’t care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks.

In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self governance.” “I promise to make America great again by restoring our dignity that we have since lost through Obama. The more reason why I still believe that he, and his Kenyan brothers and sisters should be deported back to Kenya to make America safe.”

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Following the sad news of brutally killed Emmanuel kongu in kilgoris monday morning people are still not coming to terms with the sad news.

In  their heartfelt condolences showered on social media; facebook twitter and instgram, People accross all walks of life remained wordless as thy send condolences messages to the bereved family and friends.

some of the condolences are below

Monday, 26 October 2015


James Ole Seriani, Western Regional commissioner have joined the people of kilgoris mourning the murder of Emmanuel Kongu a friend to many in Transmara.

Here is his word of condolence to the family and friends.

"I have heard the sad new of the death of ole kong'u. I have known him for many years as a friendly, joyful and aman full of energy. Family and friends take heart and may his soul rest in peace." said seriani

"Personally i have helped him many times. We hope his killers will be found soonest. The security of transmara west distrct must be improved urgently. " he urged

Ole Seriani who is the Regional commissioner for the western region asked the residents to more vigil with the suspects of such killings.

"We have heard what hapened in lolgorian recently. We hav also been victims of daily theft of cattle  and taken to a bottomless pit where they a never recovered. Now the killing hav com to kilgoris. Last year we hav robbery in kilgoris town , the first in living memory. Those in charge must pull up their socks.

As members of the public and civil servant, We will help them as members of public to give information.
He urgeed people to help the police on suspecting news

"Please help security oficers bt they must do their work" He added


Former Kenya's Envoy to China and one time Kanu Power internal security minister Julius ole Sunkuli has mourned with family of the late Emmanuel Kongu.

The late ole kongu was brutally killed by unknown people Sunday 25th Oct, 2015 night and his body was found Monday morning on the road next to kilgoris law courts.

His is statement Sunkuli described Ole kongu as friendly and loving person.

The police are investigating the incident and they have promised to bring the perpetrators to book and urg3d the public to maintain sobriety.

Saturday, 24 October 2015


Don’t use land reforms to alienate communities further
By Naisula Lesuuda on October 21, 2015 Comment


When Kenyans enacted the new Constitution in 2010, one of the crucial areas that we decided to focus on was land reforms. The key target of land reforms as enshrined in the supreme law is the recognition, protection and registration of community land rights.

It is unfortunate that land reforms have now turned into a political process that fails to respect the aspirations of the people occupying this nation. It is especially disheartening that the proposals that were derived by the taskforce on community land have now been trashed and we are presented with land Bills that do not respect the needs of the people.

In the ongoing debate, we fail to appreciate that the community land holdings system exists in over 65 percent of Kenyan land mass, which is endowed with natural resources that are being discovered for spurring economic growth. However, the communities living in these areas depend on the same community lands for their livelihoods.

Thus, gains of the recognition, protection and registration of community land rights as provided for by the Constitution are yet to be felt. Many communities, and especially pastoralists who rely on such lands, are already suffering as community land continues to be taken away from them. We cannot sit back and watch as the little remaining parcels of land continue to be taken away.

We are talking about people who have not enjoyed the freedom of owning land though they have occupied it for years. We are talking of people who have, for the lack of enforceable law, not been provided with title deeds for the land they occupy.

It is not the time to take away whatever little piece of land that belongs to these communities but the time to empower them and give them the control of this land. They should have the say on whether they want to continue administering it as a community or to divide it amongst themselves.

It is therefore curious that the Community Land Bill 2015, which purports to provide for the administration and management of community land, fails to establish a viable institutional framework for the governance of community land as it consolidates regulatory power in the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Lands.

The structure of registered community, whose establishment is provided for in the proposed law is severely limiting and does not lend itself to the expectations of the communities who had proposed a three tier inverted pyramid institutional framework, in line with the social hierarchy of the community informal set up.

The nature of community land title as provided for in the proposed law is tallied on exclusive individualistic private tenure titling without due regard to the flexible and inclusive nature in which communities hold, access, control and use community land.

The kind of community land title we as leaders from affected regions have always proposed is best suited to work with land use planning framework that involves the community in planning. We must realize that these communities take land as part of their livelihood and we cannot therefore turn it into a commercial commodity.

We see that the proposed law diverts heavily from the proposals of the taskforce as it is majorly about converting community land to other categories. The 2014 proposals had a schedule for specific conversion of public land back to community land as a way of dealing with historical land injustices.

The many squatters at the Coast region are victims of this alienation that resulted from converting community land to public land owned by the government. They were then left at the mercy of the government as they were displaced and dispossessed.

Related to this, it is unfortunate that the historical Land Injustices Bill that had been formulated by the constitutional National Land Commission (NLC) has been swallowed by the Land Laws (amendment) Bill, 2015. This former was suited to help Kenyans deal with the long-ranging illegal and irregular allocation of community

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Governor Samuel Tunai, the day’s guest of honor, took the occasion to announce that two foreign investors have confirmed plans to set up a meat processing and, separately, a potato processing firm in the county.

The two firms mark the first batch of investors to enter Narok since Governor Tunai began a concerted international campaign to woo investors in preparation for the county’s first investors’ conference. For the first time, the Governor also announced the date of the much anticipated investor conference: December 2nd -3rd.

The Governor also explained that he was looking to get investors in the major produce sectors of the county, in particular wheat, maize, meat and milk processing. There is no reason, he declared, why Narok’s produce should be leaving the county without value-addition and the added returns to our farmers.

Citing the ongoing tarmaking of the Nairagie Enkare road, the governor assured residents that his administration would continue its development efforts in all other sectors. In this financial year, the county government will spend 2 billion on roads.

Monday, 19 October 2015


We the people of Kenya, thank the Almighty God for protecting our country, uniting our communities and answering our prayers. Over the last few months, we have witnessed revelations in various forms.

Starting with the judge who
withdrew her participation in the cases due to her involvement in the passage of the controversial Rule 68; actors on both sides of the political divide now admitting for the first time that they either knew of, or participated in the framing of the
accused, and yesterday's confirmation by human rights activists of their knowledge of the use of false witnesses.

We wish therefore to restate the following:

1. We affirm our strong belief in and commitment to the rule
of law, due process and constitutionalism. Kenya is a sovereign, democratic society with a robust Bill of Rights that guarantees freedom of thought, speech and expression. When we subscribed to the Rome Statute, we believed that these constitutional
rights would be the basis of our engagement with the ICC.

2. The statement by the Trial Chamber attempting to lecture,
intimidate and gag Kenyans and their leaders in the mistaken hope that they will subdue them into silence is unfortunate, unlawful and a gross violation of the basic values of the Rome Statute and fundamental principles of international law.

3. We are shocked that this unwarranted lecture and attempted intimidation by the Chamber was orchestrated, prosecuted and determined by the Court without an application by any party as would be expected of any judicial institution of any standard.

4. This raises fundamental questions on the general independence and integrity of the Court: on whose behalf, at whose behest, on whose motion and for what benefit was the
Court acting in making this bizarre intervention?

5. We want the ICC to understand that respect is EARNED.

When the Court violates basic tenets of international law and its own Statute by orchestrating the introduction of rules midway through a trial, then goes ahead to enforce them retrospectively, how do they expect any respect? When the Court degenerates into believing statements that have been recanted by the witnesses who authored them before judges in court, the court cannot and should not escape criticism. When the Court frustrates the establishment and operationalisation of an independent oversight mechanism as provided by Article 112(4) of the Rome Statute to ensure accountability of all its
organs, and instead opts to operate opaquely and with impunity, then where does the court find the morality and legitimacy to lecture Kenyans and their leaders?

6. For the record, on Friday, Kenyan parliamentarians from CORD and Jubilee petitioned both the Assembly of State Parties and the United Nations Security Council to without any further delay set up and operationalise the independent
oversight mechanism envisaged in Article 112 (4) and to immediately conduct an inquiry into the Kenyan cases and specifically the matters of witness procurement, bribery and
coaching that have bedeviled the Kenyan cases from their commencement, and which have recently been corroborated by
critical actors.

NOW THEREFORE, AND FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT, we the people of Kenya wish to state that we are a sovereign, democratic and independent nation founded on the principles of the rule of law, respect for human rights and constitutionali
sm, and that we now do and will resist at all costs, by all means
and at all times any forms of dictatorship from any quarter,
including the ICC. Kenya is and shall continue to be a free, open and democratic society and nothing less. We shall continue to speak and continue in prayer. These we will defend with our all.

Sunday, 18 October 2015


Youths is the backbone of every other rising economy and the county government of narok has endured the the plight of its youths is cared for in the limelight of poverty index and employment

Speaking while at mutenkuar Secondary fundraising and issuing cheques of Sh 300,000 to youths grouos in Mutenkuar Narok Governor Samuel Tunai said that its time the people of narok gets the real issues affecting them addressed not the politics of the 19 century.

"My government is committed to raise living standard of our youths and women in narok and give them the necessary skills to fight the 21st century problems. "

Governor cheques to 10 youths and women groups in kilgoris central ward,  each group pocketing 300k free money to start businesses and get the better skills.

Mutenkuar Secondary fundraising presided by Tunai managed to contribute a whooping sh12M for dormitory, Lab and classrooms.


The prayers rally for DP and former radio presenter Joshua arap sang is clocking to all parts of the country.

Jubilee leaders on Sunday 18th October 2015 led their brigades to suswa in narok county where Governor Tunai hosted them for a prayer session.

over 200 MP and senators present during the prayers rally and most speakers spoke of William Ruto innocence and their possibility of freed.

Governor Tunai call residents to pray hard for the end of Ruto case and assured the government that narok county is in its full support for speedy termination of the fixed cases.

"Lets all pray for a speedy end of our deputy president case at the hague to ensure our country runs in a smooth way" said Tunai

Friday, 16 October 2015


The ICC Prayer rally for Deputy President William Ruto and Radio Journalist Joshua Arap Sang, that was set to be held in Suswa, Narok County this Sunday has been hit by a hitch following a threat by local youths to block it.

In a statement sent to newsrooms, Lemayian Ole Kereto, a resident who was speaking on behalf of the youth, said they were against the
prayer rally to be held in Narok.

“Narok County believes in the rule of law, both natural and the constitution of the land, I therefore, believe that innocence should be proved in the International Criminal Court where the above mentioned individuals (Ruto and Sang) are facing charges,”read part of the statement.

Ole Kereto in his statement copied to the Deputy President and Narok Governor Samwel Tunai, advised the planners of the rally to respect God by holding prayers that respect all faiths in the country.

“I am against the tribal sentiments being spewed by Honorable Members in other rallies like this. I want the peaceful coexistence in Narok to continue without any tribal hate,” he added.

He further said he would move to court to seek a court order to bar the planned rally.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Research, Education and training of Game reserve is my Ultimate goal for NAROK- Tunai

By Samuel Kuntai Ole Kuntai

It has been great being hosted by Clemson University in South Carolina. We were hosted by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management. It was also great meeting
with the president, Clemson University, James P. Clements.

My delegation and I visited the Clemons University Institute for Parks - Clemson Institute for Parks provides a comprehensive program of research, education, training and outreach that enhances the management of the World's parks, game reserves and protected areas, while concurrently
increasing the global public's understanding of the natural, cultural and recreational value of these treasured resources.

After that tour, we engaged the faculty on the following key
issues in regard to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve: Means of providing research to inform more effective and efficient management decisions; Increasing individual and institutional
capacity through transformative leadership education programs; Connecting the global community and delivering just-in-time knowledge through innovative internet linkages;
Promoting the relevance of game reserve to a rapidly changing,
multicultural, and global society.

We also visited the University's Social Media Listening Center. This is an interdisciplinary research laboratory and teaching facility that is able to listen, discover, measure and engage
across the web- social media conversations. It provides a graphic display of social media content to convey sentiment, share of voice, trend information, geo-location data among
other aspects.

This was an exploration on how to enhance security in the Mara and freedom of the animals, necessity of a fully-fledged research center and animal comfort within the Mara. With our firm commitment to implement the Mara Management Plan, we are exploring some of the best practices in trying to overcomthe Mara challenges.

We are reaching out for partnerships, aimed at implementing the Mara Management Plan, which will effectively boost security mechanisms at the Mara for the animals to hinder poaching; increase surveillance; enhance protection of visitors while enhancing the experience of visitors; and ultimately to increase revenue collection at the Mara.

For over forty years since the Mara became a protected area as a wildlife sanctuary billions of dollars have been channeled to our economy, hundreds of thousands of jobs created, businesses nourished and livelihoods created.
Yet, over the same period to-date, the priceless gem that the Mara is, and its ecosystem have sadly faced frightening
decline. Through the period of the Mara’s existence, man and wildlife have jostled for space and natural resources for survival, both categories have felt threatened.

I am keen to have the ultimate glory of Maasai Mara attained.

Friday, 2 October 2015

NO Sweets, Airtime for change to customers, CBK warns Supermarkets

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has issued a warning to supermarkets that offer sweets, airtime or matchboxes as a substitute for monetary change, citing shortage of coins.

CBK Governor Dr Patrick Njoroge dismissed the notion (of coin shortage), stating that there was adequate coins circulating in the market.

"There is an adequate stock of coins and the CBK has issued commercial banks with sufficient quantities of Kenya currency coins to facilitate smooth settlement of transactions," Njoroge said.

In a press statement, the CBK Governor added that it was against the law to deny customers the possibility of obtaining their change in monetary form, or the opportunity to agree to
settle the transaction in any other form.

Dr Njoroge cautioned Commercial banks, supermarkets and other entities to refrain from such practices and urged
Commercial banks to constantly ensure that coins are re-circulated efficiently at all times to their respective

CBK instructed members of the public to report any difficulties experienced while using coins as a means of exchange to any Branch or Currency Centre of the Central Bank of Kenya.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

I dont support Rutto’s CCM and Sen. Ntutu is not maasai spokesman -Moitalel Ole Kenta

Narok North MP Moitalel ole Kenta has distanced himself from Bomet Governor Isaac Rutto’s new Chama Cha Mashinani party saying he is an “ardent”
TNA supporter.

Speaking to the Star yesterday, the MP said Narok Senator Stephen ole Ntutu does not speak for the entire Maasai community.

“Ntutu should stop masquerading as the spokesman of the Maa community. He will not determine our political direction,”

Two weeks ago, Senator Ntutu attended a fundraiser in Emurua Dikirr constituency presided over by Gideon Moi and Rutto where he hinted at working with the two which could dilute URP’s influence.