DULY constituted in accordance with Section 7 of the Intergovernmental Relations Act (No. 2 of 2012), the THIRD EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE NATIONAL AND COUNTY
GOVERNMENT CO-ORDINATING SUMMIT held at the State House, Nairobi on 10th June, 2020 unanimously resolved as follows:
We, the Parties, Initials:
COGNISANT that the COVID-19 Pandemic is an unprecedented global health crisis that has manifested locally; and that the Government continues to escalate its measures in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak, guided by the World Health Organization advisories on the same;
CONSCIOUS that our Nation shall have to contend with COVID-19 until such time that a vaccine is developed;
CONCERNED that the Coronavirus Outbreak has now manifested in 35 of Kenya’s 47 Counties, with a surge in the rate of community based infections;
RECOGNIZING the shared duty of care owed to the People of Kenya by the Government of the Republic of Kenya, typified by the designation of Health under the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution as a function shared between the National and the County Governments;
COMMITTED to the realization of the National Values and Principles of Governance enshrined in the Constitution;
HEEDING the Constitution's call for consultation, collaboration and co-operation between the National and County Governments;
RESOLUTE in our shared desire to foster the National Response to the Coronavirus Disease, and to mitigate the negative effects of the
MINDFUL of our common duty to facilitate the enjoyment of economic, social and political rights in Kenya; while at the same time safeguarding the People of Kenya from the Disease, those suffering from other ailments, the elderly, senior citizens and other vulnerable members of our society;
ACKNOWLEDGING that the National Government has given Conditional Grants to the County Governments, so that they may
enhance their capacity to respond to the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic;
APPRECIATING the progressive steps undertaken by the County Governments in response to Covid-19 and the sacrifices and valiant deeds made by the Nation’s healthcare workers;
NOTING the need to realize the minimum threshold to re-open the Economy:
NOW THEREFORE, having considered the compelling case for the gradual and progressive re-opening of our Economy and way of life in a manner that secures the public health imperatives of limiting the spread of
COVID-19, the Summit unanimously further resolved to progressively re-open the Economy and our way of life; subject to the realization of the following milestones and safeguards: -
I. THAT, all County Governments affirm the necessity of the containment measures, guidelines and protocols issued by the
Government to contain the spread of the Covid-19 Disease.
II. THAT, the success of our national response to the Coronavirus Disease is entirely dependent on our individual and communal
behaviour. As researchers and scientists endeavour to find a medical vaccine for COVID-19, Kenyans already have a SOCIAL
VACCINE against the Disease; one of wearing of properly wearing appropriate facemasks, rigorous and frequent handwashing, physical and social distancing.
III. THAT, to enable the Counties located along Kenya’s international boundary and those playing host to refugees respond to the threat posed by cross-border infections, the National Government will support these Counties with
additional resources to fortify their response to the Disease.
IV. THAT, the National Government shall continue to supplytesting kits and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers across the Nation.
V. THAT, to enhance the national preparedness to manage a possible surge of the Disease, there jointly needs to be 30,500 isolation bed facilities across the Country; and to that end
each County Government shall establish an isolation facility(ies) with at least 300 beds, and the same shall be ready and open for use within 30 days from the date hereof.
VI. THAT, each County Government shall on a case-to-case basis assess the probity of utilizing home-based care and other community based-care for securing isolation and treatment in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.
VII. THAT, all County Governments will facilitate 100% contact-tracing by the tracking of every confirmed case of COVID-19 through provision of continuous logistical and operational support to the rapid response and contact tracing teams in sub–counties.
VIII.THAT, the National Government and County Governments shall strengthen their testing capacity with regard to all suspected cases.
IX. THAT, County Governments shall enhance enforcement of infection prevention and control measures; including temperature screening, wearing of masks in public places, hand washing and sanitation facilities, and adherence to both physical and social distancing in all public places and events.
X. THAT, County Governments shall implement and enhance awareness campaigns among all residents in their areas of jurisdiction, through public sensitization campaigns.
XI. THAT, County Governments shall review their Fiscal Strategic Plans for the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 to include prevention and control measures for COVID-19.
XII. THAT, to enhance the preparedness of Counties, and upon conclusion of the consultations with religious leaders under the
auspices of the Inter-Faith Council on re-opening of the places of worship, the same shall be implemented in consultation with the Council of Governors.
XIII. THAT, upon conclusion of consultations in the Education Sector on re-opening of schools and learning institutions, the issuance of the new academic calendar for the year 2020 shall be undertaken in consultation with the Council of Governors and all stakeholders in the education sector.
XIV. THAT, recognizing the diversity and unique needs of each County, any County that issues any additional containment measures shall do so in consultation with the National Government.
XV. THAT, even as we address the current health challenges, the National Government and County Governments will work together to further cushion the people of Kenya from the
economic shocks; occasioned by the disease through various economic stimulus programmes.
XVI. THAT, all medical facilities across the country remain open to offer essential health services including reproductive health and immunization services, in accordance with the Ministry of Health Guidelines.
XVII. THAT, the Summit shall reconvene on Wednesday the 17th June, 2020 to consider the guidelines for gradual re-opening of the economy; easing the containment measures in place; and protocols to guide the progressive re-opening of places of worship.
IN WITNESS whereof we have set our respective hands on the TENTH day of JUNE the year of our LORD TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY.
Fred O. Matiang’i, EGH
Chair, National Development Implementation and Communication Cabinet Committee (NDICCC)
Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya, EGH
Chairperson, Council of Governors (COG)