Sunday, 21 June 2020

Remain vigilant and Diligently adhere to Government guidelines put in place so that together we can curb the spread of the Coronavirus, Gov. Tunai urges Residents.

Narok County now has two confirmed positive cases of Covid-19. The latest case is of a 35-year-old male resident of Narok North, whose confirmation was received by the County Government medical team yesterday, Wednesday, June 17, 2020. The first case, of a 35-year-old resident of Narok East who works outside the county, was confirmed last Saturday, June 13, 2020.

Both patients have been placed at the County Isolation facility at the Narok Referral Hospital. Both are asymptomatic – they are healthy with no outward symptoms.

All the people who came into close contact with the two patients over the last two weeks have been identified and placed under quarantine. The County medical team has also taken their samples for testing at the National Covid-19 testing facility at KEMRI Nairobi. 

The County Government of Narok urges all county residents to remain vigilant and to diligently adhere to the guidelines put in place so that together we can curb the spread of the virus.  

Wash hands | Sanitize | Wear facemask | Stay at home | Stop the spread | Protect our healthcare workers

Sunday, 14 June 2020


The County's First Lady Sarah Tunai donated both food and non-food items to the residents of Narok Town. The donation came in packages consisting of maize flour, cooking oil, bar soaps, masks and hand sanitizers. 
Over 500 families have benefitted from today's donation.

The First Lady's donation comes at a time when the Country and the world at large is battling the Covid-19 pandemic that has brought the economy of the world to its knees.

Speaking while addressing the families that benefitted from the donation, the First Lady encouraged the residents to observe and obey all the directives from the Ministry of Health in as far as the prevention of Covid -19 is concerned. 
Aiding the First Lady during this noble initiative was the Narok North Deputy County Commissioner - Mutuku Mwenga, Education and Sports County Executive - Cecilia Wuapari, Nominated MCA Mary Njoki among others.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

BUDGET PROVISIONS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR (2020/21) THEME: Stimulating the Economy to safeguard livelihood, stream line jobs and Steer Economic recovery

THEME: Stimulating the Economy to safeguard livelihood, stream line jobs and Steer Economic recovery

✅A total of 369.9 Billion has been dispatched to counties to support Devolution.

✅The government has proposed Ksh 10billion for Youth Kazi Mtaani Program.

✅712million has been proposed for SME's for manufacturing.

✅The government has rolled out a food sustaining strategy meant to develop road map to the post Covid-19 phase as well as beyond 2030.

✅A total of ksh 1.83 Trillion has been proposed to The executive to enhance service delivery and servicing of government projects.

✅The budget also Proposes a 3billion figure for a credit guarantee scheme to help in unlocking finances for small and medium enterprises.

✅An amount of 300m has been allocated to facilitate to the ICT sector to facilitate training and equipping of ICT interns to oversee online learning during this period.

✅ 3Billion has been proposed to help in restructuring of the Tourism sector.

✅The Government has directed all MDAs to clear all pending bills or face serious consequences of the government withholding their exchequer.

✅ Government has promised to reengineer the Government procurement opportunities to the youth, Women and Persons with disabilities.

✅The CS has also proposed an amount of ksh 13.1 billion for pending bills meant for contractors,Suppliers and manufacturers.

✅7.4 Billion has been proposed to improve education by facilitating employment of 10000 interns as teachers,2.1b for classrooms, 1.9b for 250,000 locally made desks.

✅700m for capitation of infrastructure in Arid and Semi arid Lands.(Asals)

✅The finance bill also Proposes introduction of minimum tax to facilitate smooth transition of the economy on the post Covid economic blueprint.

✅1.5Billion for flower and the horticulture industry to help them sustain the industry during The pandemic and also access the international marks on both the current and post Covid phases.

✅4.1billion to support the free maternity government programme.

✅15.1 Billion to the house development program including the affordable housing Agenda by the president.

✅The government has proposed 111.7 Billion for health sector to enhance healthcare stability.

✅Kazi mtaani program to employ more than 200000.

✅18.3 Billion has been set aside for the manufacturing and local industry production.

✅843million for the modernisation of Rivatex to enhance employment opportunities among the youth.

✅18.1 Billion has been spared for the SGR phase 2 program,6.1 Billion for the lapset project and 5.6 Billion for Mombasa Development project.

✅ Government has set aside 167.9Billion for national security agencies to secure the nation.

✅2B has been proposed to hire teachers in addition to the 10000 interns meant for the Economic stimulation program.

✅59.4B for Free day secondary school facilitation has been proposed to factor in Education reengineering.

✅41B has been set aside for the National Government Development fund.

✅150M has been proposed for the Women Enterprise Fund.

✅17.6 Billions set aside for cash transfers to the elderly.

✅400million has been spared for the persons living with disabilities welfare Kitty.

✅ Youth receives 10.2B under the NYS program,2.1B for the KYAP and 359m for the Youth Enterprise development program.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020





DULY constituted in accordance with Section 7 of the Intergovernmental Relations Act (No. 2 of 2012), the THIRD  EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE NATIONAL AND COUNTY 
GOVERNMENT CO-ORDINATING SUMMIT held at the State House, Nairobi on 10th June, 2020 unanimously resolved as follows: 

We, the Parties, Initials: 

COGNISANT that the COVID-19 Pandemic is an unprecedented global health crisis that has manifested locally; and that the Government continues to escalate its measures in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak, guided by the World Health Organization advisories on the same; 

CONSCIOUS that our Nation shall have to contend with COVID-19 until such time that a vaccine is developed;

CONCERNED that the Coronavirus Outbreak has now manifested in 35 of Kenya’s 47 Counties, with a surge in the rate of community based infections;

RECOGNIZING the shared duty of care owed to the People of Kenya by the Government of the Republic of Kenya, typified by the designation of Health under the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution as a function shared between the National and the County Governments;

COMMITTED to the realization of the National Values and Principles of Governance enshrined in the Constitution;

HEEDING the Constitution's call for consultation, collaboration and co-operation between the National and County Governments;

RESOLUTE in our shared desire to foster the National Response to the Coronavirus Disease, and to mitigate the negative effects of the 

MINDFUL of our common duty to facilitate the enjoyment of economic, social and political rights in Kenya; while at the same time safeguarding the People of Kenya from the Disease, those suffering from other ailments, the elderly, senior citizens and other vulnerable members of our society;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the National Government has given Conditional Grants to the County Governments, so that they may 
enhance their capacity to respond to the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic;

APPRECIATING the progressive steps undertaken by the County Governments in response to Covid-19 and the sacrifices and valiant deeds made by the Nation’s healthcare workers; 


NOTING the need to realize the minimum threshold to re-open the Economy: 

NOW THEREFORE, having considered the compelling case for the gradual and progressive re-opening of our Economy and way of life in a manner that secures the public health imperatives of limiting the spread of 
COVID-19, the Summit unanimously further resolved to progressively re-open the Economy and our way of life; subject to the realization of the following milestones and safeguards: -

I. THAT, all County Governments affirm the necessity of the containment measures, guidelines and protocols issued by the 
Government to contain the spread of the Covid-19 Disease. 

II. THAT, the success of our national response to the Coronavirus Disease is entirely dependent on our individual and communal 
behaviour. As researchers and scientists endeavour to find a medical vaccine for COVID-19, Kenyans already have a SOCIAL 
VACCINE against the Disease; one of wearing of properly wearing appropriate facemasks, rigorous and frequent handwashing, physical and social distancing. 

III. THAT, to enable the Counties located along Kenya’s international boundary and those playing host to refugees respond to the threat posed by cross-border infections, the National Government will support these Counties with 
additional resources to fortify their response to the Disease. 

IV. THAT, the National Government shall continue to supplytesting kits and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health workers across the Nation. 

V. THAT, to enhance the national preparedness to manage a possible surge of the Disease, there jointly needs to be 30,500 isolation bed facilities across the Country; and to that end
each County Government shall establish an isolation facility(ies) with at least 300 beds, and the same shall be ready and open for use within 30 days from the date hereof.

VI. THAT, each County Government shall on a case-to-case basis assess the probity of utilizing home-based care and other community based-care for securing isolation and treatment in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.

VII. THAT, all County Governments will facilitate 100% contact-tracing by the tracking of every confirmed case of COVID-19 through provision of continuous logistical and operational support to the rapid response and contact tracing teams in sub–counties.

VIII.THAT, the National Government and County Governments shall strengthen their testing capacity with regard to all suspected cases.

IX. THAT, County Governments shall enhance enforcement of infection prevention and control measures; including temperature screening, wearing of masks in public places, hand washing and sanitation facilities, and adherence to both physical and social distancing in all public places and events.

X. THAT, County Governments shall implement and enhance awareness campaigns among all residents in their areas of jurisdiction, through public sensitization campaigns.

XI. THAT, County Governments shall review their Fiscal Strategic Plans for the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 to include prevention and control measures for COVID-19.

XII. THAT, to enhance the preparedness of Counties, and upon conclusion of the consultations with religious leaders under the 
auspices of the Inter-Faith Council on re-opening of the places of worship, the same shall be implemented in consultation with the Council of Governors. 

XIII. THAT, upon conclusion of consultations in the Education Sector on re-opening of schools and learning institutions, the issuance of the new academic calendar for the year 2020 shall be undertaken in consultation with the Council of Governors and all stakeholders in the education sector. 

XIV. THAT, recognizing the diversity and unique needs of each County, any County that issues any additional containment measures shall do so in consultation with the National Government.

XV. THAT, even as we address the current health challenges, the National Government and County Governments will work together to further cushion the people of Kenya from the
economic shocks; occasioned by the disease through various economic stimulus programmes. 

XVI. THAT, all medical facilities across the country remain open to offer essential health services including reproductive health and immunization services, in accordance with the Ministry of Health Guidelines.

XVII. THAT, the Summit shall reconvene on Wednesday the 17th June, 2020 to consider the guidelines for gradual re-opening of the economy; easing the containment measures in place; and protocols to guide the progressive re-opening of places of worship.

IN WITNESS whereof we have set our respective hands on the TENTH day of JUNE the year of our LORD TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY.

Fred O. Matiang’i, EGH
Chair, National Development Implementation and Communication Cabinet Committee (NDICCC)

Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya, EGH
Chairperson, Council of Governors (COG)

Monday, 1 June 2020


Fellow Kenyans,

For the first time in our history, we celebrate Madaraka Day away from each other and without the usual physical ceremonies. That is how much COVID-19 has changed our country and turned our lives upside down.
Under these very unique circumstances, I take this opportunity to wish all our citizens and friends of Kenya a very happy and rewarding Madaraka Day.

I salute our dedicated health workers who have risked their lives to lead the battle against COVID-19 from the front and made all the difference with regard to saving lives.
I salute the dedicated civil servants particularly in the Ministry of health who continue giving their all to keep us informed and safe by analysing the trends and providing us with accurate information on where we are and what we need to do as a nation to win the battle.

I particularly want to thank the Cabinet Secretary for Health Hon. Mutahi Kagwe for leading the team in the ministry in such a gallant struggle.More importantly, I salute our citizens who have taken personal responsibility in the battle against the pandemic in addition to following government guidelines on how to defeat Coronavirus. 

In this war, on this unique Madaraka Day, you, the health workers, the dedicated civil servants and the obedient citizens are my heroes.
As a country, we have done well. We have fought a good fight. We have shown the world that what other nations can do, Kenya can do even better.  

I would also like to thank His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta for mobilizing the nation to stand firm against this pandemic.
But there is room for improvement. There is room for more personal responsibility and more cooperation with the Government.

Fellow Kenyans, every struggle requires that we make sacrifices and forgo the comforts we are used to if we are to win. Freedom fighters endured starvation in the forests, torture in detention camps and indignity in prison to make Freedom and Madaraka Day possible. If our parents resorted to excuses, chose easy life and lamented rather than fight, Madaraka would not have come when it did. Today, more than ever, we need to embrace the sacrifices of our parents.

On this day, under these unique circumstances, let us reflect on patriotism, sacrifice, personal responsibility, dignity of our people and respect for our nation as the goals in our battle against a disease that is determined to colonize us and turn our lives upside down.These ideals are going to be critical not only as we battle COVID-19 but also in the gigantic task of reconstructing and rebuilding our nation. 

We know that most Kenyans have been adversely affected. Jobs have been lost, homes have been washed away by the floods and locusts are ravaging parts of our country. We are going through a treble tragedy. But we also know that the Kenyan resilience and the mood to fight will eventually triumph over this tragedy.

We need to work together as one people and one nation so that we can rise again, as a nation.By embracing these ideals, we shall all be heroes when this battle is over and won.
God Bless you. God Bless Kenya.

JUNE 1, 2020.