Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The speech of JOEL TASUR an aspirant for kilgoris constituency member of National Assembly During a meeting with University students from Transmara district at park villa,NAROK.ON 8/4/2012

This what the aspiran joel had to say.
Am joel Tasur,tasur is a family name my father is called Olesankei tasur and my mother is from kiyiapi's family. "She is actually the 1st born in the house of professor james kiyiapi the current ps in the ministry of Education"said joe
majority knows me as a very good man,some knows me as a bad man,others knows me as a freedom fighter of the people and actually am the people's servant.
"I want to take u back to the history of my personal arena"he said
'am the 2nd class founders of sosio secondary school,
I was the MD at kilgoris cereals NCPB,where i employed majority veteran politicians in today's kilgoris and thereafter i was transffered to Kirindon Depot where i managed it effectively,i was the first MD amongest my other 7 collegues of mine.
In 1985,when i was transffered to Konza Depot, currently konza city i saw as a waste of time and resources since i was a farmer and a maasai i resigned the job simply because my family and my cows wil be mismanaged in my absentia' he said
I sincerely remember in 1988, when makueni used to no. 1 and Narok district no.48, IN CPE and immediately 1991 when Olenkanai was the DEO Narok district,our district Narok emerges to be no.22 in CPE in effort of DEO olenkanai."i personally lead the people from kilgoris to narok to give forth of thanks DEO Olenkanai.i bought a herdgoat of ksh 7000 as a gift of mr DEO nkanai.'By then i knew that everything is possible' from 48 to 22.."Everything is possible and if its impossible it doesnt exist"said joel

"in 1992 i foreheaded for change in transmara and even led transmara residents to sought out Magistrate Julius sunkuli in kericho where he was working as the magistrate."by then i was at age of 24yrs am majority of our current youths"he nodded.
When the election were over Sunkuli won and we celebrated at my palace.
During 2002,i was the closest friend of the Prime minister Raila odinga during the swim of National Rainbow coalition and Gideon konchelah was in ford people. 'I promise to step down for Konchela if only he only left ford people,which he did and joined me in Narc."joel said. I knew transmara need reluctant and elderly aged people like konchela."he said.
3yrs down the line he loss focus and adopted a culture of defending the seat and locking out his eloctorate and i left him because he was not promising''said joel.
In 2007 election i automaticaly knew that it was i loss and i decided not to take any side,my brother tried and other 12 maasais against 1 kalenjin and i knew we were loosing''he added

1.."I spearheaded sunkuli to win 1992 election and Konchellah to win 2002 election but both of them loose focus in leadership and adopted personal intrest"said joel
2.we are behind in terms of Education because of poor leadership,segregation and prideness and personal interest.
3.If givem a chance Am experienced and have knowledge in politics to lead the better. i have no fear in telling the truth and defending people's right.
4.I usually sponsor student to trips yearly and get them exams and motivate the in important in Education at my own expense and those school around pirrar division can new vision pirrar zone
5.kilgoris is the only place with full licenced Gold mining and resources are poorly destributed because of poor leadership.
6.On youth ajenda i promise to built a talent academy in kilgoris for different Talents
7.I want to warn youths because of:
1. Electing people who dont know tha people
2.Doing the same thing and expect different result whìch imposible.
3.electing the people who dont know the people and dont know problems of the people
8.Our roads are pathetics year out year in because poor leadership and how tender are given which is very bad."money for road are going back to treasury because of lacking what to do only happens in kilgoris.
9.I want to maximise the use of available resources.
10.I dont want to promise a bridge where there is no a river in 5yrs time you either regret why you elected me or give me many chance to serve you equitably ' joel said

some of my greater achievement and legacy is by elevating profesor kiyiapi to PS FRM BEING A LECTURER "i took kiyiapi's CV TO president kibaki and was given the job."said.i employed clusters of people.

He was accompanied by Joshua kopassar an aspirant for MCA kilgoris central who promised that ,''am looking for motivation programme around our illitrate community."said kopassar he was accompanied with a commettee of 12 students from various universities in kenya.He was addresing the narok university students from Transmara on sunday 8/4/2012 at parkivilla,narok where the students agreed in one voice to back him with all they can.the students lead by their chairman paul korio promise to have and designning change by voting leaders of intregrity.

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