To all
Please allow me to communicate
my deep sentiments to you about
my most genuine principle and
goal in life: The Pursuit of Truth. I
have pursued the Truth vigorously
without fear even when faced with
insults, ridicules and attacks on my
dignity. I have been called many
names online including the most
popular one that I am a tribalist.
This used to bother me but quite
frankly once I understood that
people (Kenyans) are allergic to
the Truth then I just decided to
make a preemptive reconciliation
with my fate as a messenger of
their enemy numero uno: The
Please be patient with me as I
agonize to find words that can
describe my general feeling about
our people. I have to first
reiterate that by nature I am a
pursuer of Truth. I remain focused
on my goal whether it is talking
about the grabbed assets such as
The Kisumu Molasses Plant, The
Grand Regency Hotel, The
Goldernberg Scandal or The multi-
billion shillings Japanese embassy
scandal. I remain focused on my
goal whether it is exposing the
REAL tribalists in Kenya (and
abroad), I remain focused on my
goal when revealing the internal
problems that make some regions
remain permanently
underdeveloped while others are
developing, I remain focused on
my goal when lecturing our people
on the value of investing in
schools, hospitals and industries in
our respective regions- and sure- I
do remain focused when exposing
the deteriorating conditions in
which Kenyans at home and
Kenyans Abroad find themselves. I
remain focused in pursuing that
which is most fundamental to me:
The Truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I still
agonize to find words that can
describe We The People, allow me
to maneuver around the adhesive
facts of the matter. We are a
COMMUNITY of 40 Million
Kenyans. Within this COMMUNITY
we have 42 tribes. Within the
tribes we have clans. Within the
clans we have families. Within the
families we have individuals. We
belong to one Nation called
KENYA. Individuals make families,
families make clans, clans make
tribes and tribes make Kenya. The
adhesive fact of the matter.
My people, I would be committing
a crime of hypocrisy against you if
I do not pursue the Truth and tell
it to you like it is. Your desire is
for me to pretend and conclude
that: “we are doing fantastic as
Kenyans! It is just going so well for
us- Kenya Nchi Yetu Hakuna
Matata!” Sorry, I won’t join you on
the journey of pretense. I will not
be a hypocrite. You’ve got to get
used to the Truth.
As I still agonize to find words that
can appropriately describe us,
Kenyans, I am going to jog your
memories and ask you to take a
marathon back to history lane. Go
back as far as you can because in
that history you will find some
‘truths’; not The Truth. By the way
you can now forward your
memory to 2007. What happened
to your neighbors? Why did you
harm the same goddam neighbors
who helped raise you? These are
your family members, aren’t they?
Do you really have more in
common with a billionaire
presidential candidate than you
have with your immediate
You know it is coming…
We are just scratching the surface
of these “truths”. You and I know
that your best buddy called Mr.
Hypocrisy has been making you do
very bad things to members of
this Kenyan Family; your own
Family. Another one of your
buddies, Madam Jealousy, has
been pushing you to hurt your
fellow innocent Kenyans online
(and in real life). The other buddy
of yours, Mr. Mediocrity, has been
luring you to lounge when
members of your family, The
Kenyan Family, are hard at work
and by so doing assuring
themselves of reaping the fruits of
their labor come harvest-time.
And as you and I know Mr.
Mediocrity is a great friend of
Madam Jealousy so when your
Kenyan Family members are
reaping the fruits of their labor,
you and your friends will be
designing schemes to malign,
defame and even hurt the hard
working members of your family. I
am not telling you anything you
don’t know already, I am only
revealing to you some little truths
that you have acquainted
yourselves with but then decided
to hide them under the carpet
because of shame and
I am still agonizing to find words
that can appropriately describe us
as a Kenyan people.
The Truth is hard to swallow but as
with all medicines that are hard to
swallow, once you swallow the
Truth you will be on your way to
recovery. We’ve got to start
embracing the Truth about us as a
people. Kenyans are still living
under the pretentiousness of fake
innocence. You are quick to fight
agents of Truth while covering up
your character delinquencies and
or moral deficits. You hate an
agent of Truth not because of the
content of his character but
because you hate The Truth itself.
You pretended to fight for
democracy and 2nd liberation but
as soon as Baba Moi left the
office, you became the biggest
oppressor. You are nothing but a
friend of anti-Freedom.
You advocate for Justice when your
political enemies are on trial but
when your leader is mentioned in
scandals, you say, he is mweupe
kama pamba. You are nothing but
a friend of Injustice.
You begged me to practice
nationalism but when I handed
you the mirror of truthful
nationalism you turned around and
started calling me derogatory
names like andhoga-msaliti -
betrayor; you nothing but a
You pretend that you like progress
but when I shared my ambitions
with you, you discounted them as
fake and then started calling me
names like Dr. Dog; you nothing
but a mediocre lover of
retrogressive and primitive status
in life.
You shout the loudest when
supporting your chosen-leader but
when election-day comes you
monitor the polling progress from
the comfort of your American/
European/ Canadian houses and
then start offering your analysis of
the polls from the safety of your
keyboard; you nothing but a
population statistic.
So now is the time to reveal that
a beautiful descriptive
nomenclature has been allocated
to us. We’ve got it right today-
from today onwards, we are
known as a family of nothing but
wolves in sheep’s skin.
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