Sunday, 15 February 2015

Narok east Ole Meshuko Resignation is political, not HONEST

In war or words and political upset, truth is always the casualty......... There goes my favourite quote of political atmosphere.

Following George Meshuko resignation as CEC of public service in Narok county government, the move has attracted critics and praises in equal measures.

He has highlighted some things he feels has besieged his action and thus, our duty to dig for the truth, does his resignation has what to do with Narok east politics and Narok east MP working with Tunai?.

I want to take you down memory lane the path of the constitution which was promulgated n 2010, County government Act article 34- 41 which stipulate the duties of county executive member,  And or the procedures of sacking the member.

I have read meshuko resignation letter to the media and I sum by calling our county leaders to sit down and have a common platform to share divergent views regarding the governance of the county.

l am not assuming Meshuko words on accountability call but am asking was he accountable? If yes, then to who? His Narok east supporters or to the governor who is his boss?

Did meshuko relinguished his political ambitions when he was appointed as Executive member?

Let me speed you to event, from the word go I watch in disbelief meshuko press briefing, remembering when he took the position in 2013.

Tendering his resignation Meshuko blamed the Governor Tunai of sabotaging and micromanaging the departmental units in the county which has forced him to quit the job, Similarly its believed that the CEC has not been working closely with Public service board members, He has also blamed his chief officer of ignoring his directives.

Meshuko who unsuccessful contested Narok East parliamentary seat hails from Narok east keekonyokie clan, Former CEC is equally a political rival of Narok east MP Ken Aramat who of late works closely with Narok governor.

The close working relationship between governor tunai and ken observers says has hampered meshuko to quit and look for greener pastures from the region reading the mood of Narok political decisions. Meshuko is grooming to vie Narok east mp 2017 and thus could not do that when the governor is working with KEN- its in public domain.. ""Look my supporter's view in resignation letter""

Ladies and gentlemen l see Meshuko being not very honest with regard to his resignation yesterday. As much as his letter is concern the guy is speaking on a point of arrogance dragging his political supporters and Narok east politics to service delivery of the county government.

The post of county executive committee is a public office which doesn't condone region politics or even party affliction. If meshuko could not want to see KEN (who is Narok east MP) in county corridors then that is the least we expect our leaders of this generation to become.

Political rivalry has been the thorn in the flesh of Narok populace and my general or rather conclusive assumption would rather see the divided Narok than we could imagine.

I am an ardent champion of good governance and all aspect would see the light if we all be accountable at oupr position of service delivery without considering party affiliations. You can see senator ntutu and other four MPs fighting within.

If mmeshuko had the interest of Narok east residents at heart as he claim he should have fought a good fight within the county government and make the best by pushing Narok county government to do the best he wishes.

As matter flow in heart stream street of narok and beyond, We can not distinguish the current fate he has succumbed and the fate at which article 37,of county government act which says a member could be sacked if he is incompetent, or gross misconduct.

To prove the otherwise not contrary meahuko has went ahead and posted furious Facebook posts accusing Narok east mp of being the personal assistant of Narok governor.

I am for truth as all cost and justice in equal measures no matter who is for or against. In Narok the we need honeat civil servant and not scapegoat politicians who will at last bring political bigotry to defend their undoinngs.

I rest my case by calling meshuko to be honest and tell narokians why he resigned? Or was he sacked?.

I am me in thought.

God Bless Narok

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