Monday, 20 July 2015


There was a time when I dreamed of a future where I would find myself a decent job, and I used to tell myself that education could get me there. I pushed myself to get
the best out of the public education system in this country, and although I failed, I still had options. I wanted to get my qualifications right, so that I could get
employed, and I’m pretty sure that most of you can relate to this same thought process - after being assured by our parents over and over again in our younger days, “learn all the stuff in school, and you will find a good job.”

Does this hold true today?

It might, but not for much longer. Not unless our schools start teaching us the skills we need for tomorrow’s jobs,
and not yesterday’s. Not unless we are sensible enough to let our children choose the future, instead of making them
slaves of the past. We all know the cliche, when you were younger you would have wanted to become a doctor; an engineer; an accountant or a lawyer. But if you could ask
your younger self today, would he or she have the same ambition in life? Are we not well past that time, where one fortunate enough could easily fit into one of those four professions and live that simple life? And rightfully so, because evolution is a part of being human. Or so I suppose.

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