Saturday 8 August 2015

Time is up! My people need answers. Cattle rustling buck stops at the leadership

You may have thought cattle rustling was a thing of the past , a common theme in old western movies, but nothing could be further from the truth .

In Kilgoris central particularly the border between Transmara west and East it is really disheartening to note that the people live in a society hopeless.

The probability of your cows being stolen overnight and it being save is very high. The leadership arms seem to be getting incentives of the culprits because they are on routine diaries.

The government should come to help the people from frequent stock theft and even use KWS to remote brand and detect the cows on the border to minimise the menace and give people living peace of mind at least for once.

As old fashioned and outdated a practice as it  may seems , branding is still one of the best ways to protect our animals, Even with all the technology today , Romote branding is the best way to permanently identify
cattle .

Leadership with local administration has proven it's inability to curb the regular stealing of cows where the known culprits walk scot free after the press of poverty light to a family.

Stealing, of course, is a crime, and a very impolite thing to do. But like most impolite things, it is never excusable under any certain circumstance.

A leadership that ignore this fact is living a lie of which it should be addressed. It's either for a leadership to end cattle stealing or we end their term of office.

I always believe that ultimately, if people are paying attention, then we get good government and good leadership. And when we get lazy, as a democracy and civically start taking shortcuts, then it results in bad government and politics.

Our young people die while trying to guard their homestead against goons and bandits who the government ignores and give them soft bonds which i see it as encouragement the ritten vice.

Every cattle stolen, everu gun that is made, every conflict launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed, are constituent and not given the right services like protection of life and property but the government.

In kilgoris there is a culture of a  growing humanity of research suggests that our brains are wired to resist change, to be content with the status quo. “It could be that humans
are wired to be natural naysayers, Or do i say

Sometimes those we look to for leadership can let us down. When King Saul and his officers faced the
belligerent insults of the Philistine giant Goliath, they responded with fear and timidity.

(1 Sam. 17:11). But a young musician and shepherd boy named David had faith in God that transformed his
perspective on this threat. David said to Goliath, “You come to me with a sword But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts” (v.45). David
defeated the enemy and turned the tide of battle (v.50). He did not look to earthly leaders for his strength but to the living God.

When others like our leaders who we trusted them with our votes lets us down, God may be calling us to provide leadership in His strength and for His honor.

To the Narok leadership a Collective inquiry is nothing more than identifying your administration collective lack of knowledge (ignorance) and doing
something about it.

As a leader, you should guide your officers to discover the unknown. Next, leaders must empower them to
make a plan to learn about the unknown, and finally implement what they have learned. The leader must be current on leading research.

The more the local community and administration learns to work together, the more trust is solidified.

The more trust that is built between the teams and the government, Evidently, the more your leadership is respected.

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