Wednesday, 17 February 2016


The former vice president Ole morompi land in Transmara is the limelight again for some inclined reasons. The issues surrounding the said land has been a thorny problem to the moitanik people who live there.

Long ago the elders of moitanik gave the former VP the land voluntarily which later in1980s Morompi acquired the tittle deed which again used to secure a loan of up to a whooping sh 35 Million from AFC.

In 2003 the area MP allies from uasin ngishu tried to encroach to the land which was inhabited by the moitanik clan.

In 2004 Moitanik clan protested the move which has then brought bad blood btw the Uasin Gishu and Moitanik people. Through the Lawyer kiplenge and former MP Julius Sunkuli lead counsel led moitanik to court to challenge the move by uasin ngishu to live the land.

In the rejoinder Konchellah tried to intervene and his argument was for the land in question to be set aside for a university and both clans vaccate the land.

Later AFC were interested party because Former vice president had their loan unpaid.

In 2015 The court ruled in favour of moitanik clan being the absolute owners of the land but Morompi had already acquired the loan which was to be paid upfront if the AFC & Morompi wont be the beneficiary.

After meditation the court merged moitanik and AFC as owners of the land which they should divide. Morompi had to take 1000 acres and moitanik 1000 acres.

Uasin Gishu had to vacate and contested few land that borders moitanik and Usain ngishu a place where Ole Nkoimu lives.

AFC after they got their share sold it to DP William ruto who has then fenced the land which is adjacent to the Governor’s Tunai land near Olmotonyi.

So far the problem is not with the sharing of the 2000 acres between moitanik and AFC which the tittle are being generated but the border between moitanik and uasin ngishu which wi be sorted soon after the tittles will be out.


> Our people have generated a name calling hypothesis in order to get a mileage which in essence the vice versa is true.

> Some people are draging names to fomer leaders that they sold the land which in essence they are the one who contested the issue for moitanik who lives there (me included)to get the shares.
> We are our inside enemies and that is being witnessed outrightly.
>No land was sold not to Morompi or AFC by moitanik who lives in Morompi land and (if any who knows give us details (


●Moitanik wi get their 1000 acres in full
●Moitanik are the rightful owners of Morompi.

Our people you know when you're too busy combing the feathers of the king, you tend to solve every problem around with the comb in your hands.

An Historical solved problem needs to be challenged with the intellectuality it posits.

Politics and Rhetorics is a bridge we crossed long ago. I'm sorry brothers politicking the morompi land and by the way if you put up tent, while they crossed.

Scratch the scales on your eyes and have a better view of the world especially when things need amicable soultions.

Never oppose and make refute blindly, no matter what's at stake. Resuscitate your ability to question moves before you make them.

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