Sunday, 18 January 2015

Why its Amos Saningo Rolex now; Kilgoris Central

My People All around me I see the suffering  and struggle of the common man especially the youths, elderly and the children, on them I see poverty, disease and hunger reaching endemic and unacceptable levels. I tested it, it can be fixed.

I see islands of prosperity amidst a sea of poverty and deprivation. I see brothers who have been favoured by providence
separating themselves from their less fortunate brothers using high fences,barbed wire,mean security guards and exotic dogs.

I see our people struggling to make ends meet as our rich land produces billions fro minerals for a tiny rich elite that operates in the shadows and talks in whispers. I see our people robbed of their dignity and wealth by drought and famine.I see the dehumanizing conditions that make vast swathes of our populace eat wild fruits.I cry at the debilitating hunger that makes a mother slaughter dogs for her family to eat.My heart bleeds as I see a father selling his 12 year old daughter to a 70 year old man so as to restock his herd of cows. We have to fix it.

I see mothers walking long distances to fetch water from muddy pools while the political elite divert water to their vast lush
flower farms.I see the first time mothers giving birth in unhygienic conditions without the attention of a specialist because the hospital is too far and maternity costs are too high.I am pained when thousands of promising young lives are cut short by preventable diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera.I feel the pain of the many and I TESTED IT AND I WANT TO FIX IT.

Many young boys and girls are not able to access education due to prohibitive fees and an archaic social system. The greedy and corrupt leaders glorify and buttress this poverty so that the culture of handouts and ignorance -on which their vicious grip on power- depends is never  broken.I see thousands of boys whose only hope is to become a watchman or a truck driver.I see
scores of girls who only wish to be barmaids and househelps.These careers are their choices due the absence of hope.

Our dreams have been deferred for too long that you are the leader of tommorow.

As I  take on the arms of impunity,corruption and poverty, fellow youths l need your support in this titanic battle that reshape our destiny. It is a battle between slavery and freedom, domination and independence, patronage and partnership and in that I am solidly reminded of Dante Aghileri’s words “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of Great moral crisis maintain their neutrality”

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